KylieHesketh |

I am a Professor of Child Physical Activity and Public Health within the Institute of Physical Activity and Nutrition at Deakin University. I hold a Future Fellowship from the Australian Research Council. With training in psychology, paediatric public health and behavioural epidemiology, I developed Infant Feeding, Active play and NuTrition (INFANT) with Professor Karen Campbell more than a decade ago and hope it continues for several more decades to come!

My research continues to focus on how we can support families to give their children the best start to life. In addition to INFANT, I’m currently developing a new program for parents that springboards from INFANT and focuses on play, sleep and screen time in the toddler years, Let’s Grow.

The INFANT team has shifted and evolved over the years, but one constant has always been a group of very talented and enthusiastic people who do brilliant work. I’m constantly inspired by them and learning from their many and varied talents. What I have enjoyed most has been watching the growth and development of those within the team, many of whom have started as students or junior researchers on the project and gone on to have successful careers in various fields.

I hope that in the future there will be a suite of supports available for parents across their child’s life that provide consistent messaging from all sources to help take the confusion out of what is a very tough job – parenting! If INFANT can help to make that a reality, I’ll be very happy.

Learn more about Professor Kylie Hesketh and the INFANT team here.