@rachellaws1 |r.laws@deakin.edu.au

I am an Associate Professor of Population Nutrition within the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN) at Deakin University. I’m also one of the leaders of the INfant Feeding, Active play and NuTrition (INFANT) implementation evaluation.

My research focuses on developing scalable interventions to support parents with early life nutrition. With ten years’ experience as a practising dietitian, I’m interested in how research can be embedded in the community. In addition to INFANT, I’m currently supporting a pilot to investigate the usefulness of the forthcoming My Baby Now app as a support initiative during pregnancy.

For me, the INFANT team provides a significantly unique setting for research. INFANT is one of the very few research projects where you have an opportunity to work in such close collaboration with our policy and practice partners. It’s truly incredible – because even though we are the research experts – our partners are the real-world practice and policy experts. Their expertise can only help to further drive and support the promotion of early childhood health behaviours.

For the future, I would love to see the differences between advantage and disadvantaged parents disappear over time. I hope INFANT will continue to make a difference for parents – particularly those who need it the most!

Learn more about Associate Professor Rachel Laws and the INFANT team here.