@denneywilson |elizabeth.denney-wilson@sydney.edu.au

I am a Professor of Nursing at Sydney University and Sydney Local Health District. I co-developed the My Baby Now app and am one of the leaders of the Infant Feeding, Active play and NuTrition (INFANT) effectiveness trial. In my role with the health district, I also work closely with Child and Family Health Nurses – so I know a lot about how they work and the complexities of providing care to families.

My research focuses on infant feeding and in particular how to prevent babies from gaining too much weight in their first year of life. I develop interventions that nurses can use in their everyday practice to identify babies at risk of excess weight gain and to provide support to parents. My aim in life is to make sure all parents are well supported and can find, or are directed to, all the information they need to help their baby grow up healthy and happy.

INFANT has the best team! I am very lucky to have some of my best friends and colleagues in the INFANT team. We have worked together for almost 20 years and share a passion for infant and young child feeding, growth and development. We work hard but we also have a lot of fun and celebrate each other’s success.

For the future, I hope that all parents have the support they need to make good decisions about feeding their baby and that clinicians have the support they need to identify and provide early intervention to prevent obesity risks from developing.

Learn more about Professor Elizabeth Denney-Wilson and the INFANT team here.