I’m an Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellow for the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition (IPAN) and a member of the INFANT team, specifically, working on   the My Baby Now App. I will work on adapting the app to better engage Dads in supporting their partners with breastfeeding

Over the last four years, as part of my PhD, I have been working on designing and testing breastfeeding mHealth interventions targeting both fathers and mothers in low-income countries. This study was one of the few studies involving both fathers and mothers, and it showed promising improvement in exclusive breastfeeding rate, and the breastfeeding behaviours of fathers and mothers. I have also worked for Optimum Patient Care Australia, and South Australia Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) as a Biostatistician.

 As a new member of the INFANT team, I’ve been able to participate in team meetings and get involved with the training. It’s a great opportunity to work with the team and learn very important information relevant to my research.

My focus for the future is to continue to work on early childhood mainly focusing on eHealth to improve health and wellbeing.

 Learn more about Kidane Gebremariam below: