A core component of INFANT sessions is providing the opportunity for parents to share experiences with each other in safe and supportive environment.
Facilitation tips
Here are some practitioner reflections on facilitating group discussions with parents:
- Use open-ended questions to stimulate discussion (rather than yes/no):
“Being reminded to use open ended questions to facilitate discussions and interactions is really valuable.” – INFANT training participant.
- Mixed approaches to engage quieter groups:
“Quiet(er) groups can be tricky to get them talking but I feel these sessions are quite interactive and with a mix of facilitator talking and videos and then focusing on the babies on the floor this will help them interact” – INFANT training participant.
- Focus on facilitating, not leading:
“(The) facilitator is there to guide the conversation back on track or around a bumpy situation. Also having eyes/ears open to someone who may reveal a difficult issue that needs discrete following up at the end of group to check in with them…” – INFANT training participant.
- Managing ‘no screen time’ discussions:
When discussing recommendations around ‘no screen time’, it may be helpful to start with a prompt about the current situation – e.g. it seems as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are using their screen-based devices more. Ask participants some follow-up questions such as:
- Do you find this is the case?
- Is this an issue for you?
- If so, what can we do about it?
The My Baby Now app has lots of alternative suggestions for keeping babies busy, or when they are tired or grouchy. You could also remind parents that the expert recommendation of the Australian 24-hour movement guidelines of ‘no screen time for under 2’s’ does not include interacting online with family and friends.
Experiences engaging families from priority populations
- We know from experiences that some families may find it difficult to access INFANT or First Time Parent Groups, including those who have complex health, social or cultural barriers. For these families, INFANT content and key messages can be integrated into individual consultations (e.g. KAS visits and Enhanced visits) and INFANT session resources provided so that these families also receive consistent messages.
- INFANT groups have been successfully run with a range of families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and interpreters have been used effectively in INFANT group sessions.
What’s in the pipeline from the INFANT team?
- More INFANT cases studies about LGAs engaging families from priority populations including with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and Enhanced MCH families.
- Adaptation and co-design of low literacy culturally inclusive INFANT session resources is underway in 2022.
- Two PhD projects:
- focusing on how to engage and support Dads with heathy eating and active play in the first 2,000 days.
- working with VACCHO and exploring how to engage and support Victorian Aboriginal families with healthy eating and active play in the first 2,000 days.
Encouraging parents to attend all sessions
The INFANT program is more effective if all four sessions are attended. This helps to reinforce key messages as babies develop and allows for ongoing support and connection with other parents. However, we also understand that it is sometimes challenging for parents to attend all sessions, particularly as they return to work. Find out about some strategies to assist retention in the video below, these include –
- Scheduling INFANT alongside other activities to provide a ‘hook’ for parents to attend e.g. CPR training.
- Pre-empting with parents what is to come in the next session.
- Suggest sharing of contact details between parents who want to, so they can meet up for pram walks or local outings.
- Provide a certificate of completion after all four sessions or a small incentive such as a swim pass or reusable snack container – see INFANT participant certificate in the ‘Facilitator resources’ section here.
Your task
Watch the video of the INFANT team’s Anthea Gregoriou and Kathy McConell, Implementation Coordinators as they describe different approaches that have been used to encourage parents to attend all four sessions and group engagement.
Submit a comment to share your experiences or challenges with engaging priority populations in your community. Read the comments from others and the INFANT team. Click the ‘mark complete’ button once you’re ready, then select ‘next lesson’ for the next step.
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We get good number attending the 3 and 6 mth sessions, and like many others get fewer attendee’s at the later sessions.
We are considering offering a Saturday morning session that targets fathers attending, and linking it in with a Baby First aid discussion including CPR.
We require more facilitators to offer this.
I really like the idea of offering a swim voucher at the 12 mth session.
Our FTPG coordinator has done an amazing job starting the INFANT sessions. She has many 3 month session, the 6 month sessions have started and i believe we are getting excellent numbers. The 9 month are about to start. I think starting the older sessions have worked in well with those who started at the 3 month FTPG. They seem to have continued the program – it is promoted at each session and encouraged to continue. The 6 month session has been an opportunity to staff preventing 6 month additional appointments in the centers.
I invite a Physio to the 6 month session and Speech Pathologist to the 9 month session, so definitely remind parents of this in the previous session and in the reminder emails, though as with others attendance does tend to be less with 9 and 12 month sessions compared to earlier sessions for most cohorts. Since COVID I have been sending out the Zoom links to parents prior to sessions and then links/resources after sessions (rather than a letter with all program dates and SMS reminder sent by Receptionist), and have continued to do this since resuming face-to-face sessions as I feel that potentially some parents who e.g. return to work and cannot attend may still be getting some benefit from the information and reminders about the MBN app and also have my contact details if they have any questions they may like to ask (I’m a Dietitian) or arrange individual consult time on a day that may suit better. I have swapped group days a couple of times when groups have had a few parents working on Tuesdays which is currently usual INFANT day, considering the coffee order with RSVP’s as well…
I think that increasing the wider conversation in general about INFANT would be helpful. I wonder if a local newspaper article (we are regional) promoting some of the Mums and Bubs that have attended could be powerful. A poster about INFANT in the antenatal clinic where our dietician colleagues are co located, would be helpful. Planting the seed early about INFANT as a ‘parent baby get together’ to look forward to in the postnatal space may also help.
There is no doubt that incentives to attend groups can work. If there was the capacity to do so, I think an INFANT sippy cup or INFANT bib would be fun. I like the idea of a cooking session; I wonder if there’s a local “celebrity” chef with a baby who’d donate an hour here or there?
We have just started adding the first sessions to final session of NPG and not running all four sessions. Tips good. Would be good if a Paediatric Dietician could provide different perspective & deliver another session at around 6 months to follow up with timely messages and again for 12 months to cover issues with fussy eating / allergies.
We haven’t started the program and I can see that offering a different topic will encourage parents to attend all 4 sessions. I like the idea of CPR one week this would hopefully encourage attendance.
I would like to implement the program and couple it with some sleep and settling.
Some great ideas. Preemptive planning is a good way of getting families to come back. Also regular contact from the facilitator reminding families of the next meeting highlighting what they will be doing
We intend offering INFANT as part of a 12mth Parent Education Program which we hope will be a “hook” for parents to attend the 6,9 & 12mths sessions
Are there resources in other languages?
Response from INFANT team:
Hi Lian, we are looking into having the key messages/handouts interpreted (language and cultural translation) into a range of community languages as we know this will be very much needed. Is there any particular language you were thinking of?
The group has only just started here so we are yet to see how 9 and 12m groups go. Good tips though on the video
Our FTPG coordinator has done an amazing job starting the INFANT sessions. She has many 3 month session, the 6 month sessions have started and i believe we are getting excellent numbers. The 9 month are about to start. I think starting the older sessions have worked in well with those who started at the 3 month FTPG. They seem to have continued the program – it is promoted at each session and encouraged to continue. The 6 month session has been an opportunity to staff preventing 6 month additional appointments in the centers.
We have had difficulty in getting parents back for the nine and twelve month sessions in particular. We have decided that offering another talk along side it such as sleep and settling may increase attendance at not only INFANT but maybe the S & S for these older groups as well.
Whilst I haven’t run INFANT sessions yet so haven’t had to overcome attendance, i feel like the swim passes, coffee voucher or some other incentive for attending may help them to return, maybe if there were a different one for each session people may continue to return.
We have a good uptake at FTPG however often priority groups of young parents and vulnerable families are more difficult to get there. We are attempting to try and use fresh vegetable vouchers and possibly offering free passes to local pool /kids gym to entice families to attend subsequent sessions. A personalised invitation from the facilitator from first parents group may be useful way to engage and offer free coffee card.
We are also looking at implementing INFANT in supported playgroup settings and a local young parents group. I like the idea on focusing on getting more dads involved.
We have found it challenging to get numbers, particularly for the later sessions but coffee/sleep and settling tapped on to the program and practical cooking sessions are all ideas we are considering.
We haven’t started running the program yet but are planning on running it starting in the FPG (3 month). Attendance is good at FPG and those parents usually remain connected. We could talk about the follow up Infant sessions to be held in the coming months at the 3 month group and maybe plan an activity with the parents (get their input and investment) to occur following the sessions. A visit to the Gardens or Lake Pertobe and a healthy snack for all? Given that many of these parents may know each other and there is an outing involved, this might motivate them to attend. I have noted the contributions of others and anticipate there will be challenges though!!
We’re not running INFANT as yet but I like the idea of helping the group to feel connected and by letting the group know what topics will be covered next session – trying to make this sound really enticing!
I haven’t run these sessions as yet but think all the suggestions are great. I like the idea of having the sessions near a coffee shop or a park and suggest they have a coffee or play after the sessions.
I’d have to endorse Dana’s comments as there is little difference in the material covered b/w the 3 and 6 month sessions, as some parents are not starting solids until 6 months. Individual questions and concerns are addressed at KAS visits and parents know they can have a phone or additional centre consult if they have specific concerns relating to diet or exercise.
We run the first INFANT session as the last new parent group session. If the group has bonded well they are keen to catch up again for the next session but the 2 later sessions seem much harder to get happening and although reminder invitations are sent, RSVPs are low. Maybe we could run the sessions in a different setting but availability is limited and cost is a factor. We can offer coffees from a local van and the families enjoy that but its not enticing for everyone.
The 2 PhD projects sound great. I think involving dad’s more will help to reinforce messages and for consistency with healthy eating at home. The project with VACCHO and engaging Aboriginal families will help with inclusivity in INFANTs messages.
Maybe a cooking class
Great idea if there is a suitable space to run one.
The tips are very helpful with encouraging families to attend all sessions. The 9 + 12 months session people have often returned to work, Combining the sleep session and infant may be a good idea. I have discussed the importance of the 9-12 months sessions at the 8 month KAS. The distance people travel is an issues at times
The 3 month and 6 month sessions are generally well attended but drop off after that. We have been providing families with an open cup (with handles) at the 6 month session as parents are often confused about what cups to use and thought this may entice them to come back to the 9 month session following. It is great to have the My Baby Now App as I can recommend this if parents contact us to say they have gone back to work.
We are finding it challenging to gain participants for particularly the 9 and 12mth sessions. I believe people are time poor and the people who attend the 6 & 9 mths sessions all have similar concerns to discuss and there babies are of similar ages by the time they find a session that suits them.. Most wanting to trial giving solids near 6mths before feeling they need to attend another session after FTPG. By 12mths most families feel they have their needs covered. I feel for our LGA if the paediatric dietitian could run this session it would provide an incentive for families to gain new insights a different professional’s view, especially if they are worried about picky eaters.
I agree Dana. But I believe the venue we use is a great “hook”. It is connected to the library and parents could visit that venue after or before the session. Maybe we could run the older sessions opportunistically after a library story time, or have it advertised along side the library story sessions. It is also very centrally located and can be accessed by train or bus.
I agree ladies, the location is great. I do think that having dietitian as ‘primary facilitator’ for either 9 or 12m session so that parents feel they are getting something different might help address the issue with keeping attendance rates higher. Great ideas also by INFANT team, having a guest speaker, such as first aid at the later session I feel is a great idea
Our team is really trying to keep parents engaged for the 4 sessions with the coffee van idea and actively prompting parents to return. I think some families are just time poor by the time their baby reaches 12 months of age. It was good to see that the original last 2 sessions have now been embedded into the My Baby Now app.
I would talk about benefits of attending all 4 sessions as they are connected and build on parents increasing knowledge and experience as baby gets older.
Issue re many clients not attending all sessions is that focus by many parents is on the introduction of solids.
In my experience a significant amount of infants at 8 -12 months have not moved on from early introduction of solids “stage”ie still eating smooth foods, not offered high allergy foods, minimal finger foods.
Our role particularly at 8 -12 Month KAS visit is to really look at baby’s nutrition including foods offered and behaviour.
Some great ideas both in the information given and in the comments to encourage ongoing attendance at the Infant sessions. I am not currently facilitating an infant session.
Attendance is variable for our LGA. We do offer a coffee – we sent out a MS Form with the COVID-19 screeding and an RSVP link with coffee order then we have a coffee van come past the service to deliver the coffees. We link the six month and 12 month sessions with Sleep & Settling information and the 3 month session is inbedded in New Parent’s Group. We need to do more work on retaining participants.
we haven’t started running the programs yet, but i think the ideas here will be very useful. I like the incentive idea for attendance at each session, could even be discounts to other community events / locations.
The 3 month INFANT session is incorporated in the last first time parent group. We have seen good attendance at the 6 and 9 month sessions. We have also incorporated support from the Community Health Services paediatric dietitian, this has been a great partnership between council and CH. It provides a further opportunity for questions and links parents to services available at their local CH provider.
we haven’t started yet so its great to hear from others what has happened. we will organise specific ‘speakers’ or activity and look at a ‘showbag’ at the end. we have wallet sized label reading cards that we have created to use in a label session and has a hand out, also the council run aquatic centres are usually happy to supply a free pass to include, also the ‘Eat for Health’ brochures are free to order.
Text messages reminding families that the session is on are a great prompt.
The 3 month INFANT session is incorporated in the first time parent group. Generally good attendance at the 6 and 9mths sessions but find that most parents are reluctant to attend both the 6 and 9 months sessions as the content is very similar in particular with regard to feeding therefore parent tend to attend one or the other session for 6 and 9 months
We have the 3 month INFANT session incorporated into some New parent groups (not all nurses are INFANT facilitators) and find the 6 month sessions very well attended to point often put on extras sessions when 30-40 people are booked in. We do find that many book in and don’t attend anyway for a range of reasons.
9 and 12 month sessions number are much lower and seem hard to engage people to want to book in, they are discussed and offered but I do find many people are either using the My Baby now app or using other solids apps or Instagram pages that can read when suits them.
Council can’t afford to give any prizes or rewards for attending all sessions.
Like most councils we struggle to get families back after the 3 month session. These tips are handy to know and I think we’ll use some in the future. I have heard of some places combining INFANT with sleep & settling sessions to increase the participation rates.
I am not currently delivering INFANT but as a facilitator you need to keep the sessions fun, engaging and inclusive. If the participants feel welcome and in a safe environment, they generally tend to engage.
These tips sounds great to help promote the next INFANT program session for parents in groups. Will definitely use these when starting our first INFANT program sessions this year to keep parents engaged and making sure they are also finding it beneficial for them.