Purpose of the INFANT website
The INFANT website is intended to share information about INFANT and support organisations considering INFANT delivery at a local level. The information is provided for general purposes only. Individual support can be sought from the INFANT project team via infant-study@deakin.edu.au.
The website will also be a platform for organisations setting-up and/or delivering INFANT to access resources and discuss with others also setting-up and/or delivering INFANT. The facilitator resources and discussion board will only be accessed via a log-in provided by the INFANT project team.
The INFANT website provides caregivers with information about where to attend INFANT sessions and the contact details for these local areas. General advice is available via the external website, Raising Children Network.
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Deakin University and its partners, The University of Sydney, La Trobe University, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth), Victorian Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisation (VACCHO), Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), City of Whittlesea, Sunraysia Community Health Service, Raising Children Network (RCN) and Western Alliance Academic Health Science Centre (Partners), take reasonable measures to ensure that material contained in this website is correct.
Deakin University and its Partners give no warranty and accept no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the material. In particular, any content in this website is for general information only and is not intended, nor should it be taken as, individual medical, nutritional or dietary advice, which should always be obtained from an appropriately qualified and registered Australian Health Professional.
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The provision of this app/website has been funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (APP1161223). The content of the website are solely the responsibility of Deakin University and its Partners and do not reflect the views of NHMRC.