INFANT Training

INFANT training for community implementation

Why join the training and who is it for?

  • Join the training to learn about the INFANT program, facilitating the program and implementing INFANT in your community.
  • The training provides participants with the latest evidence on healthy eating and active play in the early years of life. All participants will get a certificate upon completion for logging CPD points.
  • The training has been created primarily for health and early years professionals and staff interested in implementing the INFANT program in their community.
  • The training is also suitable professional development for those that would like an update on the latest evidence and key messages for parents on healthy eating and active play in the early years.

What does the course involve and how is it delivered?

  • INFANT training is available online and takes approximately 6-8 hours to complete, self-paced over a six-week period.
  • The set time period gives you flexibility to do the course and ensures that you have a group of peers to work with.
  • Expert course educators from Deakin University will be available during the training to facilitate the discussions, support your learning and answer your questions.
  • In addition to the full training, refresher training needs to be completed every two years to maintain facilitator status.
  • Refresher training consists of a 1.5 hour online course providing an update on any new evidence or resources relevant to INFANT.

What topics will you cover?

  • Latest evidence on healthy eating and active play in the early years
  • Learn about the content and delivery of the four group sessions and the accompanying ‘My Baby Now’ app
  • Apply program principles and resources to your own community context
  • Develop a plan for implementing INFANT in your community

Who will you learn with?

The lead educators are from the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition at Deakin University, Australia, all with expertise in in early intervention, early life behaviours and prevention of childhood obesity.

What do trained facilitators have access to?

After the training you will have ongoing access, via a log-in to the facilitators portal and website, to a range of resources to support implementation of INFANT in your community including:

  • INFANT facilitator manual
  • Session handouts and videos
  • Clinician access to My Baby Now app
  • INFANT implementation guide
  • Promotional flyers and communication kit
  • Case studies of INFANT implementation in a range of communities
  • Local evaluation guide

How much does the course cost?

If you work for Government or not for profit organisations in Victoria, Australia (including private practitioners working in partnership with health or community services or the NGO sector):

The training and refresher training are currently being offered free of charge. This is through the support of the Victorian Government; with a portion of the Department of Health funding being allocated to make the INFANT training available to all Victorian Maternal and Child Health Nurses.

If you are international or interstate,OR are a private practitioner (not working in partnership with health or community services or the NGO sector):

There are costs involved per participant. This cost for INFANT training and refresher training (as well as the additional components of INFANT) is AUD $847 (ex GST) per person payable on registration.

This cost is inclusive of:

  • provision of the training   
  • refresher training (see * below)
  • the INFANT facilitator manual   
  • session handouts and videos   
  • access to the My Baby Now App   
  • INFANT implementation guide   
  • promotional flyers and communication kit   
  • case studies of INFANT implementation in a range of communities   
  • local evaluation guide   
  • access to all other INFANT resources. 

There is a requirement for participants that have undertaken the INFANT training to do the refresher training every two years if they are an INFANT facilitator or if they would like to continue to access the INFANT resources.

Please be reminded that the INFANT program is to be delivered to participants (mums, dads and carers) at no charge.


INFANT training

Join our upcoming training round:

14 October – 6 December 2024

If you are interested in implementing INFANT, but want to know more before registering for the training, please get in touch with the team via email

Already a trained facilitator?

You may access facilitator resources here and can access information about refresher training here.