Liz Flamsteed This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments Thanks. Great program! On Step 10: Course evaluation Thanks for the updated resources On Step 9: Check your understanding – Quiz Our delivery is embedded in our parent group sessions. Attendance fluctuates with the later groups being more difficult to fill.… On Step 8: Network with early years professionals I think the idea of embedding it with our Supported Playgroup is a fantastic idea and will look into it.… On Step 7: Implementation I look forward to reading more of Fiona's work. So valuable to include this research approach.. On Step 6: Update on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research I think the message is slowly getting through but perhaps not to the families that need it the most. I… On Step 5: Expanded topics to enhance practice Parents provide kids decide is a great key message and I have heard parents use it too. Reminding parents to… On Step 4: Spotlight on INFANT key message: Parents provide, kids decide I like the new booklet and the power point slides- makes delivering the sessions easier. Visuals are important for families.… On Step 3: What’s new for INFANT? By introducing the concept of active play from birth, promoting breastfeeding and introducing the concept of INFANT before the parent… On Step 2: Program snapshot and evidence I'm seeing the benefits of the program through conversations with client. On Step 1: Let’s kick off the refresher training load more comments