Sarah Robertson This user account status is Approved About About Posts Posts Comments Comments I would like to see the manual streamlined a bit more as it's hard to follow in the session. Talking… On 8. Join our online INFANT Community of Practice In our LGA we have combined the 3 and 6 month session and are offering it towards the end of… On 7. Implementation Like most councils we struggle to get families back after the 3 month session. These tips are handy to know… On 6. Facilitating groups and engaging priority populations I find that running INFANT alongside the new parent group helps families build social connections in their local communities. Bringing… On 5. Expanded topics to enhance practice The most common question or comment I get asked is: My baby hates tummy time! It's always a great opportunity… On 4. Update on the INFANT key messages The CDIS guidelines are fantastic to have. Easy to follow. The communications essentials kit will be a great resource for… On 3. What’s new for INFANT? In the Healthy kids, healthy futures plan we are following this priority: Helping first-time parents access the best possible advice… On 2. Program snapshot and evidence